Friday, January 27, 2012



Title:  Anew

After a bit of a hiatus from posting on our blog, Auburn Crest Hospice returns to engage in the conversation of learning.  We want to share what we know with you, but more importantly, we want to learn from you and your experiences.

There is a new look to our entire website and we hope it provides an easier way to locate helpful guidance in learning about hospice care and end-of-life issues.

Patients are the ultimate stakeholders in an increasingly complex care delivery system; one that often has poor coordination and unclear roles. The Auburn Crest Hospice team of professionals believe that the effectiveness of patient-caregiver communication can be as important as that of a diagnostic or treatment tool.  Basic principles of patient-caregiver communications include:

·      Mutual respect
·      Harmonized goals
·      Supportive environments
·      Appropriate decision partners
·      Good information
·      Transparency and full disclosure
·      Continuous learning

We recognize that many (if not most) people who are caring for a terminally ill person have never done it before, so we are here to serve as a sensitive and helpful resource for families and loved ones. We also understand the important process of “meaning-making” at the end of life.  It is instinctual to hope for comfort, peace, dignity, and to be surrounded by loved ones.

Visit our newly re-designed site and contact us; Auburn Crest Hospice wants to help to answer any of your questions about hospice in general or our specific work and philosophies.

We want to know your wishes.